About Us

In our logo, the three Chinese characters of ANNAGEE (read: energy) symbolise "Serenely and Safely Offering Energy".
In ANNAGEE's pursuit for the finest simple pleasures in life, we insist on safe, ecological, organic, preferably compostable products without compromising their exquisite original, natural or traditional, tastes and scents.
We opt for convenient yet minimal packaging that preserve product freshness without excessively encumbering the environment.
ANNAGEE's founders hail from the worlds of luxury hospitality and engineering design and conception. They love discovering artisanal and organic products (tea, infusions, honey...) and sharing their stash in a reasonable and responsible manner.
In a nutshell, we offer you the best of the best, the way it's supposed to be, as safe, natural and easy as can be.
Tea can't get any better than ANNAGEE.